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Overfishing, Conservation, and Sustainable Management – The Pennsylvania Forest Resources Education and Training Program (Pennforest) – Academy for Environmental Health and Safety, 2015 www.ap.psu.edu/fox/cits/05.php
Overview: The Pennsylvania Forest Resources Education and Training Program (Pennforest) is a program administered by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) that offers professional development activities to forest resource educators. The participants are primarily teachers, but a wide variety of students (including future educators, professionals, managers, and others) are eligible to attend. Classes can be taken individually or in groups. Pennforest offers a comprehensive program that includes six credit hours of instruction on forest resource topics, followed by an additional six credit hours of field activities.
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The cost of the program is $1,200 for in-state participants and $1,800 for out-of-state participants. After the course, participants attend a field training school (PBF) to provide the hands-on learning they need for their field assignments.
Assessment: Online quizzes are included on both the pre- and post-test. Participants can earn up to six (6) PD units from the activities and evaluations they complete during the course.
Prerequisites: None, but a strong background in forest resource topics is recommended.
What You Will Learn: Topics include: general forest resources management principles, forest structure and dynamics, and forest soils. Students will learn about fire and pest management, and fisheries and habitat management, as well as specific skills and abilities such as applied research, implementation, and regulation.
A common misconception is that you need at least a bachelor’s degree to do fish and wildlife work. We hope to dispel this myth by covering what a person with no degree is able to do and what a person with a bachelor’s degree is expected to do to be a successful fish and wildlife biologist.
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In general, it’s possible for anyone to work in the wildlife field. Even with a high school degree, you could work as a licensed wildlife biologist and be paid pretty well for it. In fact, some biologists that hold only a high school degree have managed to earn as much as a BS degree. Most agencies require a bachelor’s degree, and some require a master’s degree.
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